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                                                 Traumatic Brain Injury


Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is an injury to the brain caused by a trauma to the head (head injury). There are many possible causes, including road traffic accidents, assaults, falls and accidents at home or at work.

Around one million people visit A&E each year following a head injury. While the majority of these people will experience no lasting effects, many others will be left with a traumatic brain injury (TBI) that can have devastating and lifelong effects. (Headway)

Oxygen Treatment has helped many people with Traumatic Brain Injury.  Oxygen Therapy involves breathing in 100% pure oxygen. It increases the blood flow and the level of oxygen in the blood, reaching ‘dormant’ tissues around the permanently damaged area of the brain. This can help to rejuvenate these areas, sometimes restoring the bodily functions lost due to the area of the brain’s dormancy.

As a registered charity, we welcome anyone with any long term or neurological condition. Some people that use our Oxygen Therapy service have Traumatic Brain Injury. We are proud to have the only  Oxygen Therapy Chamber in Mid Argyll.

To arrange a free trial session please telephone 01546 606303.

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